Macro me3_framework::global
source · [−]macro_rules! global {
$vs:vis extern $name:ident: $fty:ty = $lib_name:tt$sep:tt$var:tt$([$add:tt])?;
) => { ... };
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Creates global that resolves its address on the first access.
global! {
// Explicitly defined RVA offset relative to `01-hello` module.
extern COUNT: i32 = "01-hello.exe"@0x1234;
// On `get` the value of type `i32` will be read at address `base("01-hello.exe") + 0x1234`.
// COUNT also implements `AsRef` and `AsMut` traits but be careful because these methods can cause crash because they don't require unsafe block.
assert_eq!(COUNT.get(), 123);