pub struct Window<'open> { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

Builder for a floating window which can be dragged, closed, collapsed, resized and scrolled (off by default).

You can customize:

  • title
  • default, minimum, maximum and/or fixed size
  • if the window has a scroll area (off by default)
  • if the window can be collapsed (minimized) to just the title bar (yes, by default)
  • if there should be a close button (none by default)
egui::Window::new("My Window").show(ctx, |ui| {
   ui.label("Hello World!");


The window title is used as a unique Id and must be unique, and should not change. This is true even if you disable the title bar with .title_bar(false). If you need a changing title, you must call…) with a fixed id.

Assign a unique id to the Window. Required if the title changes, or is shared with another window.

Call this to add a close-button to the window title bar.

  • If *open == false, the window will not be visible.
  • If *open == true, the window will have a close button.
  • If the close button is pressed, *open will be set to false.

If false the window will be grayed out and non-interactive.

Usage: Window::new(…).mutate(|w| w.resize = w.resize.auto_expand_width(true)) Not sure this is a good interface for this.

Usage: Window::new(…).resize(|r| r.auto_expand_width(true)) Not sure this is a good interface for this.

Change the background color, margins, etc.

Set minimum width of the window.

Set minimum height of the window.

Set current position of the window. If the window is movable it is up to you to keep track of where it moved to!

Set initial position of the window.

Set anchor and distance.

An anchor of Align2::RIGHT_TOP means “put the right-top corner of the window in the right-top corner of the screen”.

The offset is added to the position, so e.g. an offset of [-5.0, 5.0] would move the window left and down from the given anchor.

Anchoring also makes the window immovable.

It is an error to set both an anchor and a position.

Set initial size of the window.

Set initial width of the window.

Set initial height of the window.

Set initial position and size of the window.

Sets the window position and prevents it from being dragged around.

Sets the window size and prevents it from being resized by dragging its edges.

Sets the window pos and size and prevents it from being moved and resized by dragging its edges.

Can the user resize the window by dragging its edges? Note that even if you set this to false the window may still auto-resize.

Can the window be collapsed by clicking on its title?

Show title bar on top of the window? If false, the window will not be collapsible nor have a close-button.

Not resizable, just takes the size of its contents. Also disabled scrolling. Text will not wrap, but will instead make your window width expand.

Enable/disable horizontal/vertical scrolling. false by default.

Enable/disable horizontal scrolling. false by default.

Enable/disable vertical scrolling. false by default.

Constrain the area up to which the window can be dragged.

Returns None if the window is not open (if Window::open was called with &mut false). Returns Some(InnerResponse { inner: None }) if the window is collapsed.

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more
Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.