pub struct Slider<'a> { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

Control a number with a slider.

The slider range defines the values you get when pulling the slider to the far edges. By default, the slider can still show values outside this range, and still allows users to enter values outside the range by clicking the slider value and editing it. If you want to clamp incoming and outgoing values, use Slider::clamp_to_range.

The range can include any numbers, and go from low-to-high or from high-to-low.

The slider consists of three parts: a slider, a value display, and an optional text. The user can click the value display to edit its value. It can be turned off with .show_value(false).

ui.add(egui::Slider::new(&mut my_f32, 0.0..=100.0).text("My value"));

The default Slider size is set by crate::style::Spacing::slider_width.


Creates a new horizontal slider.

Control whether or not the slider shows the current value. Default: true.

Show a prefix before the number, e.g. “x: “

Add a suffix to the number, this can be e.g. a unit (“°” or “ m“)

Show a text next to the slider (e.g. explaining what the slider controls).

Vertical or horizontal slider? The default is horizontal.

Make this a vertical slider.

Make this a logarithmic slider. This is great for when the slider spans a huge range, e.g. from one to a million. The default is OFF.

For logarithmic sliders that includes zero: what is the smallest positive value you want to be able to select? The default is 1 for integer sliders and 1e-6 for real sliders.

For logarithmic sliders, the largest positive value we are interested in before the slider switches to INFINITY, if that is the higher end. Default: INFINITY.

If set to true, all incoming and outgoing values will be clamped to the slider range. Default: true.

Turn smart aim on/off. Default is ON. There is almost no point in turning this off.

Sets the minimal change of the value. Value 0.0 effectively disables the feature. If the new value is out of range and clamp_to_range is enabled, you would not have the ability to change the value.

Default: 0.0 (disabled).

Set a minimum number of decimals to display. Normally you don’t need to pick a precision, as the slider will intelligently pick a precision for you. Regardless of precision the slider will use “smart aim” to help the user select nice, round values.

Set a maximum number of decimals to display. Values will also be rounded to this number of decimals. Normally you don’t need to pick a precision, as the slider will intelligently pick a precision for you. Regardless of precision the slider will use “smart aim” to help the user select nice, round values.

Set an exact number of decimals to display. Values will also be rounded to this number of decimals. Normally you don’t need to pick a precision, as the slider will intelligently pick a precision for you. Regardless of precision the slider will use “smart aim” to help the user select nice, round values.

Set custom formatter defining how numbers are converted into text.

A custom formatter takes a f64 for the numeric value and a RangeInclusive<usize> representing the decimal range i.e. minimum and maximum number of decimal places shown.

ui.add(egui::Slider::new(&mut my_i64, 0..=100).custom_formatter(|n, _| format!("{:X}", n as i64)));

Helper: equivalent to self.precision(0).smallest_positive(1.0). If you use one of the integer constructors (e.g. Slider::i32) this is called for you, but if you want to have a slider for picking integer values in an Slider::f64, use this.

Trait Implementations

Allocate space, interact, paint, and return a Response. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more
Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.